Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Diskuzní fórum k letošnímu ročníku Pražské ligy v Doomtrooperu

Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod padlar » 10 pro 2009, 11:02

přesně tak :-) co názory ostatních?
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod jerrychard » 12 pro 2009, 11:01

Ja souhlasim s Padlarem, takhle jsem to celou dobu chapal. Jinak DT ma fakt hodne spornych pasazi, ale tu hru miluju :)
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod jerrychard » 14 led 2010, 20:39

Kluci, kdyz nekdo vylozi kartu z ragnaroku APOKALYPSA! Jak je to potom se sabotazi? Je sabotaz povazovana za utocnou akci?
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod bigles » 15 led 2010, 09:28

pokud se hraje na sabotáž, tak sabotáž se nepovažuje za útok a pokud v jednom kole útočíš tak už sabotovat nemůžeš, sabotuješ vždy jen jednou, žádný jiný efekt ti ji neznásobí
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod herbertwest » 15 led 2010, 12:45

Je to tak jak uvedl Bigles.
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Dvojí služba

Příspěvekod kyrys » 18 led 2010, 12:20

jen dotaz k této kartě, proč jí znovu nezavézt? Zakázala se před nějakými čtyřmi lety, protože (hlavně) nebyly sjednocená pravidla. Na winternetu je ale tohle, což to celkem jasně vysvětluje. Omlouvám se za délku.


This is one card that has caused a bit of confusion, mostly, I think, due to a particular card from that "other" game called CLONE, which this isn't! We're going to beat this one to death here (you will see another such beating with TIGHT FORMATION, later) to make sure that everyone understands the purpose this card.

Can DOUBLE DUTY be used on a Personality?

I also assume the last line means if I have a warrior DOUBLE DUTY-ing a warrior of an opponent the 2 may not be in combat with each other?
Yes. They are not clones, they are the EXACT SAME WARRIOR, and a warrior may never attack itself.

Can cards which change the attacker and defender, for instance GREATER HYPNOSIS or GREATER TELEPATHY, be used to make these two fight each other?
No, because a warrior will never ever ever attack itself. Remember, they are the EXACT SAME WARRIOR.

What happens if you have a warrior in play, and someone plays DOUBLE DUTY on it, and then you play ETERNAL CURSE on the original warrior. Since the warrior cannot be affected by Special cards, wouldn't the DOUBLE DUTY card be discarded, and therefore the original warrior as well?
Actually, no. Once played, the DOUBLE DUTY card is put into play and represents the original warrior. Therefore, the DOUBLE DUTY card really isn't a Special card anymore, it is a Warrior card! So, if either "copy" of the warrior is hit with an ETERNAL CURSE, it simply affects the warrior (and "neither" may be affected by Special cards).

If DOUBLE DUTY is discarded AT ALL, would the warrior that it's mimicking also be discarded?
Yes, because they are the EXACT SAME WARRIOR - the DOUBLE DUTY card is not a "mimic" or a "clone" or anything like that, it's the SAME guy!

Can a warrior have more than one DOUBLE DUTY played on it?
Sure, the warrior is just REALLY tired. Nothing else changes, except the warrior is now pulling TRIPLE duty. And "all three" are considered the EXACT SAME guy.

Since I can DOUBLE DUTY my own TIGHT FORMATION, can I then add that FORMATION to the original FORMATION and double it up?
No. A TIGHT FORMATION cannot be added to itself (it's very messy...).

Can my DOUBLE DUTY card and the original warrior card be in the same TIGHT FORMATION?
No. The warrior may not be in a TIGHT FORMATION with itself. It’s only one guy.

What happens to my opponent's original warrior card when I add my DOUBLE DUTY of the warrior to my TIGHT FORMATION?
The warrior convinces the FORMATION to go along with it, and your opponent gains the effects of the TIGHT FORMATION! A good way to think of this one is that the warrior doesn't join the FORMATION, the FORMATION joins the warrior! Therefore, warrior becomes a TIGHT FORMATION, and since all versions are the exact same guy, your opponent now has that TIGHT FORMATION working for him as well!

When I have my opponent's warrior DOUBLE DUTIED, and it's his turn and he is attacking with him, may I play INSPIRED and put my warrior (and therefore his warrior) into cover? How much can I mess with a DOUBLE DUTIED card when it is not my turn?
You can mess with the card as much as you could screw with your own warrior - because he IS your own warrior. If you have a DOUBLE DUTY of another player's Doomtrooper in your Squad, then that DOUBLE DUTY card is no longer a Special card, it has been transformed into the warrior card. And it is your warrior, so you can mess with your warrior as much as you want, and it will just happen to mess with the same guy sitting in your opponent's Squad. Remember, though, that in the situation you describe, the attack will STILL take place. Because the warrior ALREADY attacked, the attacker simply goes into Cover and gains the +3. For more on this see the TIMING section, above.

If my opponent plays DOUBLE DUTY on one of my Brotherhood warriors and the Brother casts NATHANIEL'S OPPORTUNITY, or any such Art that doesn't directly affect the warrior, does my opponent get the benefits of the spell as well?
No. The Brotherhood warrior casts the spell while he is working for you, and he casts it FOR you. He does not cast it FOR your opponent as well, and so the opponent does not get the benefits.

Can you use a DOUBLE DUTY card on someone with an ETERNAL CURSE?
No, but you can use an ETERNAL CURSE on a warrior with DOUBLE DUTY. Because the DOUBLE DUTY card IS a Special card when it is played on the warrior, the ETERNAL CURSE will prevent it from being played. However, since the DOUBLE DUTY card "becomes" a warrior card after it is played, the ETERNAL CURSE will work on both incarnations of the warrior. Tricky!!! A GREAT question.

If I give DOUBLE DUTY to my opponent's PRETORIAN STALKER, and he has two PRETORIAN STALKERS in his Kohort, would I get the bonus given by the second PRETORIAN STALKER?
No, because the PRETORIAN STALKER is working for you in your Kohort in his "off time", when he isn't working for your opponent in his Kohort. While he is fighting for you, he can't gain the +2 from another STALKER because you don't have another Stalker in your Kohort to help him out. When he is working for your opponent, he does gain the bonus due to his companion in the Kohort. Of course, if you had another DOUBLE DUTY card and were to hit the OTHER Stalker...

If the OTHER PRETORIAN STALKER attacks the one that I gave DOUBLE DUTY to in my Kohort, would he not get the bonus given by the other one since he isn't in HIS Kohort at that time, but in mine since he is attacking it?
Exactly. Since the Defender is in your Kohort, the Attacker won't get the bonus because the other STALKER “isn't there”.

Do I get the use of all Equipment/Art/Dark Symmetry cards on a warrior if I lay DOUBLE DUTY on a warrior with the Equipment/Art/Dark Symmetry cards on him?
You bet! That's the purpose of the card! If you DOUBLE DUTY a FOLLOWER OF ALGEROTH blistering with Equipment and Dark Symmetry you can assume that your Double Duty card has all that stuff too, and willing to use them! Of course, if you give your DOUBLE DUTY card a HELLHOUND NECROTANK, the other guy gets to use it as well.

If my opponent only has a single warrior in play, and I only have a DOUBLE DUTY of that warrior in play, may either PLAYER be attacked?
No, there is a stand-off. The warrior will not turn against either employer.
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod bigles » 18 led 2010, 17:42

za délku? spíš za to, že to není česky;))
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod jerrychard » 19 led 2010, 21:08

Jako anglicky umim dobre, ale prekladat se mi to nechce...

Takze jak teda? POkud utocim vsema chlapama, tak uz nemuzu sabotovat?
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod kyrys » 20 led 2010, 08:25

jerry: nemůžeš sabotovat ve stejném kole, jako jsi útočil.

Dvojí služba: znamená to, že máte ve hře stejného bojovníka ve hře jako váš soupeř, není to druhý bojovník, ale přesně ten stejný, nemohou tedy na sebe útočit. Co má na něm vyloženo soupeř, můžete vy ovládat; co na něj vyložíte vy, může ovládat soupeř. Vykládá se jako speciální karta, po zahrání už to je alo bojovník. Nejde tedy dát pryč rovnováhou, věkem pokroku, ale třeba MIA apod.
Ve svém kole s ním může útočit soupeř na vaše ostatní bojovníky, ve vašem kole vy na jeho ostatní bojovníky. Hraje se tak, jako by patřil oběma, můžete tedy na něj vykládat kdykoli kartu "vyložte na svého bojovníka".
Příklad: soupeř má vyloženého Toshira s OPM a Biotrola. Vy máte vyloženého luteránského učedníka. Zahrajete Dvojí službu na Toshira a ve své útočné akci můžete napadnout Toshirem Biotrola a odpálit miny. Vyděláváte body.
Jiný příklad: stejné vyložené karty (včetně Dvojí služby), soupeřův Toshiro útočí na vašeho učedníka, vy zahrajete Nenadálý ústup (Vyložte v průběhu souboje na vašeho bojovníka v průběhu souboje, zvolený bojovník se vrací zpátky do ruky) na TOSHIRA, Toshiro se vrací do jeho ruky, Dvojí služba je vyřazena, učedník přežil.
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Re: Pravidla - Pražská Liga 2009

Příspěvekod herbertwest » 20 led 2010, 11:29

Jerrychard: Jak uvedli kolegové, už nelze sabotovat.
to Kyrys : Já s Dvojí službou nikdy problém neměl.
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